Iceland plans new marine research vessel
The Icelandic Parliament has passed a motion allocating funds for development and construction as the first step towards a new research vessel for the Marine Research Institute.
The Icelandic Parliament has passed a motion allocating funds for development and construction as the first step towards a new research vessel for the Marine Research Institute.
ICES recommendations for North Sea demersal fisheries in 2019 show good news for saithe, hake and plaice, but the situation for cod looks confused as spawning stocks appear weaker than had been predicted, and one fishermen’s association is wondering where more than 100,000 tonnes of cod has disappeared to.
Gulf of Mexico fisheries face problems ranging from natural disasters to manmade disasters, global warming to dead zones, coastal erosion to water quality. In Mississippi Ryan Bradley,a fifth-generation fisherman, is leading the charge to promote sustainable fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico through leadership in stewardship.
Flags and wheelhouse stickers distributed to fishing ports across the UK are delivering the fishing industry’s message to the Government and politicians as the UK/EU withdrawal negotiations edge towards a critical stage.
Greenlandic minister Vivian Motzfeldt, whose remit includes foreign affairs, has completed a round of meetings with representatives of EU institutions, including a meeting with Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier.
Forum Fisheries Ministers announced the appointment of the incoming Director General of the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA), Dr Manumatavai Tupou-Roosen, at the conclusion of the 15th Forum Fisheries Committee Ministerial meeting which was held in the Cook Islands on 3-5th July, chaired by Cook Islands Prime Minister and Minister of Marine Resources, Honourable Henry Puna.
The newest operational Regional Fisheries Management Organisation, the Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement, one of the newest operational RFMOs, which covers species other than tuna in the Indian Ocean, has adopted its first IUU vessel list.
The European Union has lifted its yellow card restriction on Tuvalu following the island state’s reform of its fisheries management. This recognises the important progress of Tuvalu in addressing the shortcomings in its fisheries governance.
To help improve regulatory advice, ABPmer has been appointed by Defra and the MMO to improve understanding of how seals interact with commercial fisheries and to review options for non-lethal measures to deter seals from taking catches. A survey of opinions from commercial fishermen is part of the brief.
The International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (WorldFish) and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have agreed to boost their efforts to build the resilience of fishing people and small-scale fish farmers, promote sustainable aquaculture, and improve fish value chains.