Disappointing advice on Barents Sea capelin
The 62,000 tonne quota advised for next year’s Barents Sea capelin season is disappointing, according to Audun Maråk, director of Norwegian fishing vessel operators’ federation Fiskebåt. ‘It seems as if…
The 62,000 tonne quota advised for next year’s Barents Sea capelin season is disappointing, according to Audun Maråk, director of Norwegian fishing vessel operators’ federation Fiskebåt. ‘It seems as if…
Iceland’s Marine and Freshwater Research Institute has advised that the TAC for the 2022-23 capelin season should not exceed 218,400 tonnes. This replaces the original advice of 400,000, which was…
As Iceland’s largest capelin season for many years comes to a close, the Icelandic fleet had around 700,000 tonnes at its disposal, although 200,000 tonnes were left uncaught as the…
By the end of last month, the Russian fleet had caught 9300 tonnes of capelin, or roughly a third of its quota for this year, according to Vasily Sokolov, deputy…
The new capelin roe processing line is designed to double production capacity during the short roe season. The system went through an initial dry run, and the first production went…
Capelin have been migrating rapidly along the south coast over the last few days. Challenging weather conditions and the accompanying delays to fishing have meant that it hasn’t been easy…
As the Icelandic pelagic fleet switches from trawling for capelin in the early part of the season to purse seine gear as the fish gather in tight marks off the…
The Norwegian fleet has long felt itself to be at a disadvantage during the capelin fishery in Icelandic waters, and Norway’s Minister of Fisheries has again raised the issue with…
There’s plenty of activity at Hampiðjan’s Neskaupstaður net loft at the moment, and according to manager Jón Einar Marteinsson, it’s a long time since there has been quite so much…
As the Icelandic fleet experiences its first big capelin season for many years, there has been one record landing after another, although there are only a handful of pelagic vessels…