According to the organization they have sent a letter to the under 10 metre fleet to inform them of the survey, updates to the leasing scheme for 2011 and monthly catch limits of some stocks to be allocated to smaller sea areas. The organization also said that they already use historic information on patterns of activity from data sources such as sales notes and other data you may have submitted to inform our decisions.
It is very difficult to know the extent that operators want to be able to fish for particular stocks at a particular point in the year and they are keen to understand these issues more. They want to make sure that when deciding on the allocation of quota for the inshore fleet that they try and ensure that quota is available at the time of year when it is of maximum benefit for as many fishermen as possible.
They cannot guarantee that they can give the levels of quota you require, but as a starting point we want to gather information on the levels of quota fishermen think they need to be able to catch in order to be viable as a business.