Labour disputes have left seven fishing vessels legally stranded in Montevideo which causes concern for the port to continue as a South Atlantic fisheries hub. The issue is hot up that it involves the ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. The Legislative Transport and Fisheries committees are scheduled to begin an informative round with the different players and a delegation from the industry and unions related to port activities visited the Supreme Court where they exposed the situation before the magistrates.
Peruvian fishermen contracted by Spanish and other foreign flag companies operating from Montevideo have raise the disputes. But somehow two solicitors have initiated a series of labour demands, involving up to half a million US dollars, forcing the seizure of vessels that are immobilized for months with huge losses.
Mario Baubeta, president of the Centro de Navegación, said that this is plain extortion; although it’s all legal, the labour solicitors have found a legal gap which in practical terms is a ‘legal extortion’ forcing companies to loose huge amounts while the reputation of Montevideo crumbles. Alberto Díaz president of the Uruguayan National Administration of Ports said the matter is “a threat” for the port of Montevideo and “we have begun contacts with all parties concerned with what is happening”.
Jorge Pozzi, member of Parliament from the ruling coalition said that the concern is not only limited to the fisheries sector, but to other related activities. He mentioned for example the fact that local companies make the cardboard and other materials for the shipping of fish produce to Spain.
These solicitors pay the fishermen a few dollars and make them sign a legal paper to act in their name and which they manage at their will: a real legal extortion”. Ports authority agrees that fisheries are one of the most dynamic industries for on shore activities since it creates many indirect jobs. There is nearly 70 Spanish vessels operating from Montevideo and that only means at least four million US dollars annually.