According to the European Fishing Tackle Trade Association (EFTTA) European countries should think carefully before issuing any sea fishing licences because it has been observed that the recent issuing of licence scheme in Portugal has had a catastrophic effect on tackle sales in the country. EFTTA represents nearly 300 manufacturers and wholesalers has said that issuing sea angling licences in large number is not good for fishing industry in European countries. It says that this could damage the 25 billion euros value created by recreational fishermen across Europe.
It was found that sea anglers in Portugal have been forced to buy a fishing licence since January that wipes out almost 60 percent off tackle sales. Adding to this the Portuguese government has collected 50 percent of revenue from tackle trade companies and fishermen. This really angered the tackle trade companies and fishermen further.
Gregg Holloway, EFTTA President, informed that the sea licences for recreational fishermen are not good enough if the money raised by those licences is used for the development of fishing habitats, conservation and better and more access to fishing waters for anglers.
In Portugal the sea angling licence has been introduce on January against money but gave nothing back that is needed and wished for by the recreational anglers and tackle trade. EFFTA is campaigning to make the Portuguese government to change the new law under which sea fishing could be banned from many coastal areas.
Holloway added that under new law anglers were denied access to a range of areas where they used to fish which subsequently decreased the participation in angling and sport fishing in Portugal. It is fact that Portugal is preferred venue for sea angling tourists from other nations and the new law would bring a terrible blow to the Portuguese economy. The situation in Portugal situation has alerted throughout the European fishing tackle trade.