Quatse Salmon Stewardship Centre, a multi-purpose, educational facility features an interpretive gallery, wet and dry laboratories, a classroom and administrative offices, would soon be available to the public. Facilities associated with ongoing hatchery operations, such as the aeration towers and rearing tanks, have been upgraded and will support expanded fish production and enhancement activities at the centre in future.
It is told that the centre is intended to be a focus for ongoing salmon stewardship activities in the community, including habitat restoration, watershed planning, educational programs, tours, events raising awareness of the importance of salmonids and general enhancement initiatives. Northern Vancouver Island Salmonid Enhancement Association chair Grant Anderson, told that they are pleased to have had such tremendous support from our funders and from the community for this project.
NVISEA spearheaded the project, which involved raising over $1 million to build and outfit the centre. Anderson said that they also received significant in kind contributions over the duration of the project.