Norway’s Ministry of Fisheries is examining its fisheries management regime and discussions are taking place with interest groups, with an initial meeting held last week. Further meetings are due to be held in northern, western and southern regions of Norway this summer.
According to the Ministry, these meetings are a starting point for soliciting opinions on how the system can be re-designed.
‘We Norwegians have lived on fishing through generations. Fishing creates jobs and living coastal communities. But today’s quota system is ripe for change. My ambition is to put in place a system that is both simpler, more flexible and provides better basis for the management of our fish and and value creation. I don’t plan to work on alone,’ said Minister of Fisheries Per Sandberg.
‘We have many rules for who can fish, and how much they can fish. Today’s system is very complex, not very flexible and ready for change.’
The initial meeting brought together the Ministry of Fisheries, industry body Norges Fiskarlag, coastal fishing organisation Norges Kystfiskarlag, Sjømat Norge, researchers from the University of Tromsø and Nofima, and members of the Parliamentary fisheries committee.
Those taking part on behalf of Norges Fiskarlag were director Kjell Ingebrigtsen and general secretary Otto Gregussen, as well as Steinar Jonassen from the Nordland Fylkes Fiskarlag representing fishermen from the north of Norway and Audun Maråk, director of vessel operators’ organisation Fiskebåt.
One of the key subjects up for discussion is the option of a resource levy to be imposed on the industry.