NEAFC has underlined its role in taking appropriate management measures for a number of key fish stocks. By implementing responsible long-term management plans as well as addressing depleted stocks such as deep-sea sharks, we have shown what can really be achieved through effective international cooperation.
NEAFC has shown that cooperation has contributed greatly towards the protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems in the area and demonstrated that NEAFC can implement effective measures to tackle the very serious issue of illegal, unreported and unregulated fisheries, which are the scourge of fisheries across the world.
The 30th Annual Meeting of the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission(NEAFC) was held in London from 7 to 11 November 2011 under the chairmanship of the Acting President, Mr Andrew Thomson (European Union),who explained:
The Parties have worked well together this week with a common and genuine purpose of ensuring sustainable fisheries in the Northeast Atlantic for a number of key fish stocks. NEAFC has underlined its role in taking appropriate management measures for these very important resources.
By implementing responsible longtermmanagement plans as well as addressing depleted stocks such as deepseasharks, we have shown what can really be achieved through effective international cooperation. Furthermore, we have shown that this same cooperation has contributed greatly towards the protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems in the area.
Last but not least, we have demonstrated that we can implement effective measures to tackle the very serious issue of illegal, unreported and unregulated fisheries, which are the scourge of fisheries across the world.
NEAFC is not a complacent organization and recognizes the need to take an objective and critical look at its activities. Wherever necessary, it will seek to improve its approach, not only towards its management of fisheries but also towards the important vulnerable marine ecosystems under its remit.
The Coastal States already agreed on sustainable management measures for Norwegian spring spawning (Atlanto Scandian) herring and blue whiting for2012 on the basis of longterm management plans. NEAFC has agreedcompatible measures for these same stocks in international waters. The Partiesare still awaiting the outcome of further discussions by Coastal States on NorthEast Atlantic mackerel, which will resume in Ireland in early December. Measures agreed by NEAFC in early 2011 for the interim management of redfishin the Irminger Sea (south of Iceland) were confirmed for the period 2011 to2014. Existing measures for the protection of haddock at Rockall as well as the management of deep]sea species were also endorsed.
Recognizing the depleted state of the stocks of spur dog, basking shark and porbeagle, NEAFC agreed to ban all directed fisheries for these species as well as extending measures to include a ban on directed fisheries on a number of deep-sea shark species. Unable to agree on suitable measures for orange roughly, it was confirmed that the general measures applicable to deep-sea species would apply during 2012.
In recent years, NEAFC has adopted a number of measures intended to protect vulnerable marine ecosystems across the North East Atlantic. Consequently, NEAFC has agreed that during 2012, it will undertake an extensive review of these measures in order to ensure their alignment with measures called for inthe most recent United Nations General Assembly Resolutions as well as in the FAO International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas.
NEAFC has continued to welcome cooperation with the OSPAR Commission (for theProtection of the Marine Environment) and in particular, recalled the joint NEAFC/OSPAR/CBD workshop on the identification of ecologically or biologically significant marine areas in the NE Atlantic. NEAFC continues to address the issue of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing activities. Cooperation has developed not only on targeting individual on compliant vessels, but also on increasing cooperation on issues such as PortState control, where further developments are expected in the coming year. Cooperation also extends to a number of non Contracting Parties, including Canada, New Zealand as well as St Kitts and Nevis, all of which have agreed to abide by the NEAFC rules.
NEAFC has agreed that to initiate the process for a second Performance Review, assessing the functioning of the organization. Parties have agreed to work togetherprior to the next Annual Meeting with a view to this review process being carried out in the course of 2013.
Mr Johan H Williams (Norway) was elected as President of NEAFC with effect from1 January 2012, with Mr Andrew Thomson (European Union) elected as first Vice-president and Mr Yury Lepesevich (Russian Federation) as second Vice]President.
Management measures for 2012
Norwegian spring spawning (Atlanto-Scandian) herring:
Overall TAC set at 833,000 tonnes in accordance with the agreed management plan
Blue whiting:
Overall TAC set at 391,000 tonnes in accordance with the agreed management plan
Consultations continue
Rockall haddock
Box closed to trawl fisheries to protect juvenilehaddock.
Pelagic redfish in the Irminger Sea:
Multi-year management measures remain inforce. TAC for 2012 is 32,000 tonnes.
Pelagic redfish Norwegian Sea:
Overall TAC, set at 7,500 tonnes to be fished from 15 August to 30 November.
Deep Sea Fisheries:
Effort less than 65 % of effort in earlier years