The press release states that a new kind of testing service for norovirus and other marine bacteria, aimed specifically at shellfish producers and local authorities. Oysters and other bivalve shellfish can accumulate bacteria or viruses if their growing waters become contaminated with human faeces or animal waste.
In UK testing accredited shellfish have been restricted to few opportunities but the Cefas Shellfish Testing (CST) team offers a range of tests for all major, commercially grown bivalve shellfish – for norovirus, E. coli and Salmonella spp. – using internationally recognised testing protocols. According to the team this new testing service joins a range of other commercial products and services, provided through our wholly owned subsidiary, Cefas Technology Limited (CTL).
Jason Weeks, Business Development Manager for CST, said that ordering the tests, online, couldn’t be simpler. He informed that Cefas has carried out extensive norovirus testing programmes for UK regulatory customers for many years. He also told that Cefas bring to this new, commercial offering a team of distinguished international scientists, and expertise that has been tried and tested.
It is no doubt that the Cefas has long-standing reputation for the high quality of its standards and test results, which have been used by the Food Standards Agency, local authorities, restaurateurs and shellfish producers in the past.