Fisheries Minister Jim Anderton said that mätaitai reserves are established under the South Island customary fishing regulations and recognise traditional Mäori fishing grounds that are important for customary food gathering. He added that the reserves will also allow local Mäori to advise the Fisheries Minister directly on how best to manage fishing in the local area.
According to Jim Anderton this mätaitai reserve allows Te Rünanga o Awarua to more effectively manage customary fishing in these important traditional fishing grounds. The reserve recognises the strong and enduring connection local Mäori has with this area, says Anderton. It is told that commercial fishing will be banned within the 7.02 km2 mätaitai reserve but recreational and customary fishing will still be allowed.
Jim Anderton informed that he has carefully considered the effect the mätaitai reserve would have on commercial fishers. He states that the mätaitai reserve will come into effect on the 9th October 2008. In the future, the Tangata Tiaki/Kaitiaki (guardians) for the mätaitai reserve may recommend bylaws to the Minister of Fisheries that could impose some restrictions within the boundaries of the mätaitai reserve.