It is noticed that the draft Great Sandy regional marine aquaculture plan (GSRMAP) in Queensland aims to establish guidelines for sustainable marine aquaculture development. The plan also boosts the streamline and standardise assessment processes for future aquaculture applications within the boundaries of the Great Sandy Marine Park. The Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries (DPI&F) in collaboration with the Department of Tourism, Regional Development and Industry (DTRDI) have developed the plan.
It is said that the Great Sandy Marine Park stretches from Baffle Creek to Double Island Point. Under this plan, non-intensive aquaculture activities are allowed (under permit) in certain areas—the zoning plan is administered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It is true that till recently there has been no comprehensive planning for aquaculture in the region. It is noticed that the draft GSRMAP will help to ensure clarity for future non-intensive aquaculture development within the marine park boundaries.
Experts believe that the draft GSRMAP provide clear rules regarding approval of future aquaculture activities and the conditions under which aquaculture farms can operate. The locations of proposed aquaculture sites in the GSRMAP were selected after extensive consultation between industry and government. A Queensland Inter-Agency Working Group was also created to oversee each stage of the planning process and endorse key decisions.
Primary Industries and Fisheries Minister Tim Mulherin said the Draft Plan has the best recommendations sites for certain aquaculture methods ensuring any future activities comply with stringent controls for the area.