After successful completion of independent assessment OCI Grand Bank yellowtail flounder trawl fishery met the MSC standard for sustainably managed fisheries. After getting prestigious MSC certification, products from this fishery are now eligible to carry the blue MSC ecolabel.
The assessment report shows several strengths of the fishery, including: a comprehensive monitoring and surveillance system; considerable data about the stock; security of access that provides a strong economic incentive to manage for the long term; a management strategy and gear to ensure by-catch is minimized; and, an effective management strategy concerning wolffish, an ETP (endangered, threatened, protected) species. Besides, there were some weaknesses also.
The location of this fishery is in the North Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) areas 3L, 3N and 3O on the Grand Banks near Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada. Blaine Sullivan, Chief Operating Officer of OCI, said that with the MSC label this fishery joins northern shrimp and North Atlantic sea scallops. He also said that it is important for OCI to take the lead in being responsible stewards of our oceans and marine environment. MSC certification for this fishery, in particular, which we harvest with our own fleet and for which we control such a significant percentage of the quota, clearly demonstrates our commitment to the future of our fishery.
Kerry Coughlin, Regional Director, MSC, Americas, said that this is the first finfish in the Grand Banks area to earn MSC certification, and the collaboration and commitment to rebuilding this fishery by government, industry and conservation organizations represent a significant milestone and achievement.