Media report confirms that the CEOs of three State Government departments, along with representatives of federal science agencies, WA universities and the fishing industry will meet on the Abrolhos Islands this week for marine science meeting. it is the first time that WAMSI will hold one of its regular board meetings at the unique Mid West location. Report states that WAMSI is a collaborative venture between the State Government and various partners to oversee research projects, which collectively cover oceanography, climate change, coral reefs, fisheries, ecosystems, biodiversity and social issues related to WA’s marine environment.
Stuart Smith, CEO of Department of Fisheries, told that the meeting would be held at the Saville Kent research facility at the Abrolhos Islands. He added that the location Abrolhos is an important Fish Habitat Protection Area, managed by the Department of Fisheries and a vital part of the State’s important western rock lobster fishery. WAMSI’s Board has been keen to visit the Abrolhos Islands and it will also be given a briefing on the impacts of climate change on Western Australia’s rock lobster fishery.
According to Smith meeting at Abrolhos was a great opportunity for the WAMSI Board to get a first hand view of the unique features of the islands; including historical, environmental and social perspectives, as well as the important economic role provided by fishing and pearling. The Department of Fisheries is a leader of two of WAMSI’s nodes of research, focusing on developing methods to implement ecosystem based fisheries management (EBFM) and marine biodiscovery.