As the California Fish and Game Commission was hearing public testimony in Sacramento from anglers, environmentalists and scientists about Marine Protected Area (MPA) alternatives, which the Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger continues to push a fast-track MLPA (Marine Life Protection Act) process that the state has neither the staff nor money to manage and enforce.
According to Commission Member Jim Kellogg they received word from the Governor’s office that Schwarzenegger was going to lay off 5,000 state workers unless the bond measures in Tuesday’s election are approved because of the state’s unprecedented budget crisis. After public comment Kellogg asked the Commission to request the State Legislature to put Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s fast track Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) process on hold in light of the economic crisis.
Kellogg told that holding the process is the need of the hour as it will give enough time to make the state to get back on its feet. He added that this would allow time to see if the existing MPAs are working. Fellow Commissioner Richard Rogers objected that putting the process on hold would “invalidate” the thousands and thousands of hours of work that stakeholders and government officials have put into the process.
Kellogg also told that they are in the process of watching the state’s programs and services being gutted. The Commission also agreed to support two amendments to the existing North Central Coast MLPA alternatives requested by sportfishing and diving groups.