The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, a US-based environmental group, has been protesting for quite a long time to ban whale hunting. The activists from the group have been chasing the Japanese fleet’s mother ship hunting whale in the Antarctic. Japanese fisheries officer said that whaling had been suspended for now because of safety reason. Japan is only one of three states to hunt whales. Its government insists it is an important cultural tradition.
The fishery officer also said that the fleet has halted scientific whaling no due to safety concern and the decision to resume hunting will be announce later. It is unclear whether the entire hunt will be called off, says the official. The group said in its statement that one of its boat has been blocking the main ship’s stern loading ramp, preventing any harpooned whales being loaded on to the ship. Japan’s fleet comprises 180 people on four ships which aim to cull some 850 minke whales in Antarctic waters during the southern winter season.