In its press communiqué the IPHC has request bids for 2010 Stock Assessment Charters and seeks commercial longline vessels to conduct survey fishing in 2010. The main aim of the setline survey is to collect standardized data used for halibut stock assessment. It is informed the information will be used to study aspects of the halibut resource such as growth, distribution, biomass, age composition, sexual maturity, and relative abundance of other species.
According to IPHC the survey will cover 27 regions, from the southern Oregon border to the northern Bering Sea including the Aleutian Islands. Survey vessels will fish eight skates of standardized gear at each station. In this survey every average vessel can fish 3 stations per day. Most regions require 14 – 23 fishing days plus additional days for running, loading and offloading gear and fish, foul weather days, etc.
Total duration of the charter is expected to be 20-30days depending on the region it covers. IPHC encouraged the vessels to bid for multiple areas. Survey fishing must be completed between May 31st and August 31st 2010. The commission said that there are four regions are available for one-year contracts: Area 2A (Oregon, Washington) and Area 3A (Portlock, Albatross); and four regions (4B Adak, 4B Attu, 3B Semidi, 3B Chignik) are closed to bidding.
It is told that these bids will only be assessed if a contract holder gives up their current holding(s) to take on a new area. For the setline survey charters, information such as age, sex, maturity, length, location, and catch rate will be collected from all halibut captured. Legal-sized halibut from all skates and some bycatch will be retained and sold by the IPHC to reduce charter expenses.
Vessels need not be licensed for halibut fishing in Canada or the U.S. to be eligible. The Commission is not restricted as to nationality of the vessels it charters for operation in any area as long as customs regulations are followed.