HB Grandi’s factory trawler Theney is back in home waters after a trip to the Russian zone of the Barents Sea that started in early June.
‘The trip’s just started and we’ve had a decent showing of saithe on the Hali grounds and there has been some redfish off the eastern edge of the Víkuráll gully,’ said Therney’s skipper Ægir Franzson.
Therney is not long back on home grounds in Iceland after a spell of fishing in the Russian zone of the Barents Sea, after having sailed from Reykjavík right after the Seamen’s Day stopover in early June.
‘I wasn’t on board for that trip, but they tell me there was some very good fishing to start with, before it slowed down, but overall it was an excellent trip,’ he said, adding that it makes a change to be on groundfish for the summer.
‘The last six years we have been on mackerel for the summer, but this year we’re fishing traditional demersal species,’ he said, commenting that so far cod and haddock have not been a problem this trip.
‘We know where they are and it hasn’t been that much of a problem to avoid them. However, we came across some haddock on the Látragrunn grounds, so you’re never completely safe.We take the haddock we are allowed to catch in the autumn which is a fine time for doing it,’ he said, adding that HB Grandi still has quota remaining in the Russian Barents Sea zone.
‘I expect we’ll finish the year in the Barents Sea. There has often been good fishing there in December and generally the weather’s good that far north at that time of year,’ Ægir Franzson said