After this tough decision, banning gill nets, local fishermen have to work two jobs, including working nights fishing to make ends meet. Fishermen have sold their homes that are on the water. Sportfishing organizations have infested the public with lies from the pits of hell – all the time claiming conservation is the key. It is told that sportfishing organizations gather high-ranking officials on their side with blood money, intent on doing one thing, stopping commercial fishing altogether.
The affect of gill nets ban is so huge that few numbers of commercial fishermen are left and work mostly at Bogue Sound. On an average daily in the inland waterway, on the high rise bridge there are 50 or 60 sport fishing boats. There is no doubt that gill nets banning has given serious blow to the local fishermen, both commercial as well as recreational.
But experts believe that this ban is not justifiable as it jeopardized the livelihood of many fishermen who largely depends on this. Many commercial fishermen have left for better livelihood. As for the few commercial fishermen that are left, will continue to fish as long as God and the law allow.