Polar Fishing Gear has supplied several sets of its Neptune trawl doors to Australian customers for shrimp fishing, in a galvanised finish instead of the usual paint-job.
The doors are made in China and shipped to Australia and the galvanised finish is that the customers’ request.
‘It makes no difference to the doors’ performance, but it makes a huge difference to their working lifetime,’ Atli Jósafatsson at Polar Fishing Gear said.
‘These boats are towing their trawls off derricks with a set of doors each side,’ he said, commenting that the galvanising increases the cost of production by a third, but he also expects this to double the working lifetime of the doors.
‘They are fishing on clean ground and they want to look after the doors. They want them to last ten years instead of just four or five.’
‘We have supplied more than 400 pairs around the world of these Neptune trawl doors for this kind of boats fishing for shrimp with gear towed off booms, but these doors now being used on board Betjay in Australia are the first hot-dipped galvanised doors we have been asked for.’