According to the state Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks major changes were made in freshwater commercial fishing regulations, which is waiting for public comments. MDWFP is proposing the removal of the maximum hoop size restriction of 42 inches for hoop nets with less than three inch square mesh. There were several tag changes also like commercial fishing equipment, reciprocal, and slat basket tags must display the license holder’s Customer Identification Number.
Each tag owner is responsible for their Customer Identification Number of the front of the tag. Commercial Fishing Tags, Reciprocal Commercial FishingEquipment Tags, and Slat Basket Tags do not expire and may be used as long as the Customer Identification Number and MDWFP writing are legible.
MDWFP is also proposing the closure of Foster Lake in Wilkinson County, to commercial fishing. The department is seeking public comments on this to make it a final decision.