Five years ago Vónin sent a request to JT Electric to develop a trawl camera. A trawl camera that could provide us with hard facts about how the fishing gear and fish itself was behaving.
Being one of the most routined manufacturers of underwater lighting, JT Electric took the request as a challenge and soon a proto-type of a trawl camera was ready for testing.
Today, this is a proven quality product. Tested and re-tested to meet the demands of harsh underwater conditions, this rugged, yet compact Trawl Camera and LED lightning system is designed to provide the detailed knowledge which is needed to ensure optimal results.
We use these cameras in our constant research and development of our fishing gear and have moven forward and developed our gear with the info which we have gathered from these cameras. The result is increased catch and more fuel efficient gear.
Skippers and vessel owners are also seeing the possibilities with these trawl cameras, and this week we received an order of 5 trawl cameras for Royal Greenland.