Norwegian vessel owners’ federation Fiskebåt believes that the previous management rules for saithe in the North Sea is outdated and needs to be revised.
In a letter to the Ministry of Fisheries, the Marine Research Institute and the Directorate of Fisheries, Fiskebåt points out that there has been excellent co-operation between the authorities, scientists and the industry in revising management rules for Barents Sea demersal stocks. Fiskebåt expressed its hopes that the government will use proposals submitted at a meeting in Bergen earlier this year as a basis for negotiations with Russia later this year.
According to Fiskebåt, this strong track record of management revision should be continued and extended to revising the rules governing fishing of North Sea stocks.
Fiskebåt has recommended to the Directorate of Fisheries that it should take the initiative to set up a forum for the authorities, the Marine Research Institute and the industry to discuss new rules for managing the saithe fishery and possibly other unresolved North Sea management regulations.