Large number of barramundi overflows from Awoonga Dam during the floods and the fish have now ended up at the NRG warm water outlet in the Calliope River. In order to take the advantage of the situation local professional fishermen are now netting the area, which has recreational fishers up in arms. According to a local fisherman the bottom line is that fishers pay a lot of money every year to have this right and what do they do.
As per Darryl Branthwaite, local fisherman, netting at the power station had been occurring since long back and would continue as there were no rules in place to prevent it from happening. He informed that hot water outlet has been a favourite haunt for barra in the winter time. A representative from Queensland Fisheries said, as with the Boyne River, the area outside the river itself fell within the Port of Gladstone, which included the Rodds Bay Dugong Protection Area regulated waters.
He also said that in this region netting is generally allowed but there are restrictions on net size and length as well as strict net attendance rules. He informed that there is no limit on barramundi take for the commercial sector providing they hold an N2 fishing symbol. Barramundi size limits apply to all fishers, including commercial fishers.