A reduction in landings of both round haddock and whiting saw prices for these strengthen at the start beginning of last week Monday and Tuesday June 13-14 at Peterhead Harbour Fish Market, Scotland’s premier fishing port.
On the Tuesday large haddock made around £125-£143 per 57 kg box and whiting made around £57-£143 per 57kg box.
On the first market of the week Monday saw Nine trawlers land a total of 4521 boxes of white fish which sold at the following prices. Large Haddock £2.00-£2.50, Medium £1.60-£2.20, Large Cod £2.50-£3.30, Medium £2.20-£2.30, Metros 80p-£1.50, Whiting £1.00-£.00, Round Whiting 60p-£1.50, Lemon Sole £1.00-£4.00,Monkfish £4.20-£4.80, Coley £1.00-£1.40, Megrims £2.00-£5.50, Plaice 65p-£1.50, Hake £1.00-£2.00, Witches £1.00-£1.50 and Ling £1.10.
Trawlers Landed MaiMai, Fear Not, Constant Friend, Fruitful Bough, Valhella, Adrent, Archurus, Golden Gain, caducean Trust.
The following day’s market saw Eight trawlers land a total of5380 boxes of whitefish which sold at Large Cod £2.30-£2.90, Medium £2.30-2.40, Haddock Large £2.20-£2.50, Metros £1.00-£2.00, Whiting £1.00-£1.50, Round Whiting £1.0-£1.40, Lemon Sole £1.50-£5.00, Monkfish £3.20-£4..30, Coley 70p-£1.20, Megrims £1.50-£4.50, Plaice 65p-£2.00, Hake 70p-£2.00, Witches £1.00-£1.50 and Ling £1.00-£1.20.
Trawlers landed Summer Dawn, Castlewood, Russia Teign, Attain, Ocean Venture, Ocean Bounty, Moray Endeavour and Crystal Tide.
The Next market day Wednesday saw Fe trawlers land a total of 3169 boxes of whitefish which sold at the following prices. Cod Large £2.30-£3.20, Medium £2.20. £2.40, Large Haddock £2.50-£3.00, Medium £2.20-£2.50, Metros £1.10-£2.60, Whiting £1.70-£2.00, Round Whiting £1.30-£1.90, Lemon Sole £1.00-£4.00, Coley 70p-£1.00, Monkfish £3.00-£4.20, Megrims UNSOLD £4.00, Plaice 65p-£1.50, Hake 80p-£2.00, Witches £1.00-£2.00 and Ling £1.00-£1.20.
Trawlers Landed Viking Monarch, Caspain, Sustain, Crystal Tide Amity.
The following day Thursday saw Eleven trawlers land a total of 5804 boxes of whitefish which sold for the following prices. Haddock Large £2.40-£2.60, Medium £2.40-£2.60, Metros 90p-£1.60, Cod Large 2.30-£3.20, Medium £2.20-£2.30, Whiting £1.50-£5.00, Round Whiting 90p-£1.50, Lemon Sole £1.50-£5.00, Coley £1.00-£1.20, Monkfish £2.80-£4.20, Megrims £1.10-£5.20, Plaice 65p-£1.50, Ha hake 75p-£2.00, Witches 80p-£2.00 and Ling £1.00-£1.20.
Trawlers landed Surmount, Harvest Hope, Sagittarius, Helenus, Courageous, Ocean Dawn, Glenugie, Nordfjordr, Karenann, Golden Sceptre and Crystal Tide.
The market of the week Friday saw Ten trawlers land a total of 4438 boxes of whitefish which sold at market for the following prices. Cod Large £2.40-£3.20, Medium £2.20-£2.30, Haddock Large £2.00-£2.40, Medium £2.00-£2.40, Metros 95p-£1.80, Whiting £1.10-£1.60, Round Whiting 90p-£1.30, Lemon Sole £1.00-£4.00, Monkfish £2.00-£4.00. Coley, £1.00-£1.10, Megrims £1.00-£4.00, Plaice Unsold £1.50, Hake 70p-£2.00, Witches 70p-£1.50, and Ling £1.0-£1.10.
Trawlers Artemis, Shalimar (PD) Favonius, Renown, Acheive, Ocean Harvest, Harvesterr, Helenus, Nordfjordr, Crystal Tide.
At Peterhead last week there were landings from 43 trawlers for a weekly total of 23,321 boxes of whitefish. There were also two Pelagic landings of herring.
At Ullapool it was a quite week with Three Spanish liner/netters landing 48 tonnes of mixed white fish, Two Scottish trawlers catching 40 tonnes of mostly Squid, while Two Scottish crabbers landed 22 tonnes of Brown crab.
At Buckie Harbour eleven trawlers landed a total of 317 boxes of white fish, prawns, and Squid which sold for fair prices.
At Scrabster Harbour Fourteen trawlers landed a total of 4,181 boxes of white fish over the week. No prices were available.
At Pittenweem Harbour Fife the local Prawn fleet were fishing the Firth of Forth grounds and beyond. There were good landings and good prices.
Picture shows the Pittenweem (Fife) -Based Prawn Trawler Launch Out Leaving Pittenweem Harboir for the Firth of Forth Prawn fishing Grounds.
Picture by Our John Kinsman.