Several pair trawler teams have been completing full trips, and landing a better selection of white fish for buyers at Peterhead fishing market at the beginning of last week.
This has come after the slowest weekly total for several months.
On the first two days market Monday and Tuesday (November 1st and 2nd) good pries were secured. With Whiting making £86-£114 per 57kg box and haddock at £80-£103 per 57kg box.
At the first market of the week Monday Eight trawlers landed 3347 boxes of whitefish. Trawlers landed were Daisy, Harvest, Celestial Dawn, Harvester, Adrone 11, Harvest Hope, and Benarkle.
Large Cod £2.80-£4.00, Medium £2.70-£3.40, Haddock Large £2.00-£2.50, Medium £2.00-£2.50, Whiting £1.50-£2.00, Lemon Sole £2.00-£5.00, Monkfish £3.50-£4.00, Coley £1.10-£1.50, Megrims £1.00-£5.00, Plaice 60p-£1.50, Hake £1.30-£2.60, Witches £1.00-£2.00 and Ling £1.35-.£1.80.
The following day Tuesday Nine trawlers landed a total of 4174 boxes of whitefish. Trawlers landed were Faithful, Crystal River, Shalimar, Content, Summer Dawn, Golden Gain, Ocean Bounty, Golden Sceptre and Kiroan.
Haddock Large £2.00-£2-20, Medium £2.00-£2,20, Cod Large £2.80-£3.80, Medium £2.70-£3.50, Whiting £1.50-£2.00, Lemon Sole £1.50-£5.00, Megrims £1.50-£5.00, Monkfish £3.50-£4.40, Coley £1.00-£1.50, Plaice £1.00-£1.50, Hake £1.00-£2,50 Ling £1.60-£1.80 and Witches £1.00-£1.50.
On Wednesday Eleven trawlers land a total of 3141 boxes of white fish. Trawlers landed were Boy John, Rosebloom, MaiMai, Nordfjordr, Constant Friend, Helenus, Strathelliot, Ocean Venture,Opportunus, Karennan and Moremma.
Large Cod £2.80-£3.80, Medium £2.50-£3.20. Haddock Large £2.20- Monkfish £ 3.70-£4.50 Hake £1.50-£2.50, Witches £1.50-£2.00 Plaice 70p-£1.50 and Ling £1.60-£1.90.
There were no Whiting, Coley or Megrims landed.
Thursday Ten trawlers landed a total of 2442 boxes of white fish. Trawlers landed were Castlewood, Attain, Faithful Bough,Karmarra, Maracestina, Glenugie, Aslkere, Ocean Reward, Heather Sprig, and Avocet.
Large Cod £2.80-£3.50- Medium £2.50-£3.00, Haddock Large £1.80, Whiting £1.80. Lemon Sole £2.00-£5.00, Monkfish £3.70-£4.40, Megrims £4.00-£6.00, Coley £1.30-£1.40,Plaice 60p-£1.50, Witches £1.50-£2.50, Hake £1.50-£3.00 and Ling £1.90.
The last market day of the week Friday Ten trawlers landed a total of 3933 boxes of Whitefish. Trawlers Landed were Avocet, Ocean Harvester, Norlantean, MaiMai, Tranquility, Favonius, Adorne, Denebula, Opportunius, Favonius.
Cod Large £2.70-£3.50, Medium £2.50-£2.80, Large Haddock £2.50-£2.70, Medium £2.50-£2.30. Whiting £1.50-£2.00, Lemon Sole £2.00. £6.00, Monkfish £3.50-£5.00, Coley £1.20-£1.50, Megrims £3.00-£7.00, Plaice 60£2.50, Hake £1.00-£3.00, Witches £1.50-£3.00 and Ling £1.70-£2.00.
Total landings at Peterhead Fish Market Scotland’s Premier Fishing port for last week totalled 16,998 from 47 trawlers. There were Pelagic landings.
At Fraserburgh Harbour 147 trawlers landed a total of 2889 boxes of white fish which sold for fair prices at the town’s fish market
At Buckie Harbour 18 trawlers landed 631 boxes of whitefish and 103 boags of clams which sold for good prices.
At Pittenween Harbour Fife the prawn fleets had good landings which sold for fair prices.