The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has selected the sea areas off the coast between Flamborough Head in East Riding of Yorkshire to Felixstowe in Suffolk (known formally as East Inshore and East Offshore) as the first two English marine plan areas that will be developed from April 2011. These plans will be first of its kind that grow to become a comprehensive marine planning system around England, enabling the effective integration of economic, social and environmental factors and promoting the sustainable development of the seas.
It is sure that the Marine Planning System will have significant benefits for local communities and the national economy. It is a milestone decision for MMO in implementing the provisions of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 and the Government’s vision for clean, healthy, safe, productive and biologically diverse oceans and seas.
Steve Brooker, the MMO’s Head of Marine Planning, said that England’s marine area is extremely crowded in terms of existing activities and the pressure and competition for space are going to increase. He added that marine planning will enable the MMO and others to balance and integrate the vast range of competing activities and aspirations. The planning would definitely contribute a great to the development of sea areas.