It is informed that FFAW has insisted Minister Gail to announce details of the 2009 Northern Cod Stewardship Fishery for the northeast coast of Newfoundland. In 2008, details of the 2J3KL cod fishery were announced by June 16. FFAW Secretary-Treasurer David Decker opined that it is unacceptable that fish harvesters, already facing a very dismal year, are being forced to wait for the federal dithering to come to an end so they can know the details of a critical fishery.
Decker explained that they are now in early July and fish harvesters in 2J3KL who have experienced tremendous difficulty already this year still have no idea what kind of inshore cod fishery they will have. He further said that there is no excuse for these delays and the minister and the department need to stop twiddling their thumbs and immediately and announce the details of this fishery. Enough is enough.
Decker told that the fact that Shea chose to release details of the more politically friendly recreational fishery long before the commercial fishery only adds further insult to injury. According to Decker there is no rational reason for the delay, especially since the science information for 2J3KL northern cod has been in the hands of federal officials in Shea’s department for many months.