The Falklands authority has chalked out a plan to minimize seabird deaths caused by trawl fishery. The Islands Executive Councilors have adopted the plan entitled, ‘Falkland Islands National Plan of Action for Reducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Trawl Fisheries’.
This plan ensures compliance with ‘domestic and international policies and conventions and adds to its international reputation for responsible and sustainable management of its fishery.’ It is reported that more than 63 species of seabirds have been recorded in Falkland Islands waters with 22 known to breed in the Islands. For several species, including the black-browed albatross and southern giant petrel, the Falkland Island population represents significant proportions of the respective world populations.
The plan was drafted by Falklands Conservation with input from the Fisheries Department and was commissioned by the Islands Government. Nick Rendell, Falkland Islands Government Environmental Officer, noted that incidental seabird by-catch as a result of trawling fleets has been extensively documented throughout the Southern Hemisphere. The level of seabird by-catch is significant in several fishing sectors worldwide and its long-term impact is of serious global concern.
Committee of Fisheries (COFI) developed an International Plan of Action-Seabirds. The first NPOA-Trawling came about as a consequence of work conducted by the Falklands Seabird at Sea Team, which estimated mortality highlighted that trawl fisheries were causing significantly more seabird mortalities than longline fishing activities in Falkland Island waters.
The main concern of the draft is to reduce incidental seabird mortality due to interaction with trawlers to a sustainable level, defined as a level that will have no deleterious impact on the long-term sustainability of seabird populations. It is told that the object will be achieved by setting indicative bycatch objectives to reduce seabird mortality to a specific level and providing detailed Seabird Interaction Management Strategies to enable the process.