The European Commission will represent the EU at the annual meeting of the IATTC. The Commission said that it works in close cooperation with the Council and European Parliament, will advocate science-based conservation and management measures that result in sustainable tuna fisheries in the Eastern Pacific Ocean.
The Commission also informed that it plans to emphasise the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) activities through the adoption of Port State Measures by IATTC members, as well as through the introduction of a system to ensure appropriate tracking of catches from the sea to the final markets. The Commission also wanted to freeze the capacity to the long-line fleet vessels operating in the area.
In August this year the EU became a full Member of IATTC, as a revised Convention (known as the Antigua Convention) for the IATTC enters into force. Until now, only States could be Members and the EU has so far acted as a cooperating non-party.