There is a strong need to protect the State’s aquatic environment from these noxious fish species. The Department of Fisheries make an announcement of the new list which identified some hobbyists are holding species, not previously declared as being brought into WA. Biosecurity Management Officer Bill Bardsley said the hobbyists had done the right thing by coming forward, to discuss options for retaining their pets.
He told that the Department of Fisheries wants the registration of the small number of pet owners should be done by 1 September 2010. In this way, the Department of Fisheries can provide advice to pet owners on how best to keep their fish, while minimising the risk to the environment. He said that the additions to the noxious fish list were subject to extensive public consultation, before being endorsed by the Natural Resources Management Ministerial Council.
As per the new regulations, which had been introduced across Australia, extra protection is provided to Western Australia’s waters and native fish. Bardsley said that feral fish can either predate on, displace, or destroy the habitats of our native species. Alternatively, unwanted pet fish may be disposed of humanely – by refrigerating them in a bag of water until the fish stops moving and then placing the bag in a freezer.