This new industry body is supported by two national federations, NFFO and SFF and involving a wide range of other fishermen’s’ organizations. The main purpose of this body is to ensure that the marine protected areas foreseen in the Marine & Coastal Access Act are introduced in a way that minimises adverse consequences for fishermen.
The body called, MPA Fishing Coalition, states that the displacement of fishermen from established fishing grounds is a direct threat from the Government decision to establish a network of marine conservation zones in both inshore and offshore waters around the UK. A spokesperson of the body said that their intention in establishing the MPA Fishing Coalition is to provide the fishing industry with a powerful negotiating platform. In many instances the only way fishermen are going to avoid being swept off fishing grounds is by presenting a strong, coherent case backed by factual evidence.
It is told that this group represents all sectors of the industry – every fisherman in the UK should consider joining, whatever other affiliations they hold. Unity is strength and the industry has never faced a threat like this before. The group told that they are launching a fighting fund with immediate effect to ensure that we have the resources to meet the challenge we are facing. All donations will be accepted, recorded and fully accounted for.
The Group will not deal in loud diplomacy. It will be serious and evidenced based. To that end we are fortunate to have secured as Chairman of the Group, the services of Dr Stephen Lockwood, former Director of the Fisheries Laboratory at Conway. He said that by strengthening the fishing industry’s negotiating arm, our aim is to arrive at an accommodation that provides protection for vulnerable marine habitats and features but in a way that allows fishermen to keep fishing.
The main aim of the group is to transcend all divisions and sectional interests within the fishing industry to provide maximum negotiating leverage at the highest levels. MPAs will apply locally and will affect local fisheries as well as those further afield as a result of displaced effort. The purpose of this group is to give weight, support and backing to the fishing interests potentially disadvantaged by specific MPAs.