As a result of industry collaboration a sustainable lobster fishery in New Brunswick is achievable. This collaboration will allow stakeholders in the Lobster Sustainability Foundation discussed developments resulting from their first annual general meeting. Fisheries Minister Rick Doucet has announced on behalf of the Province of New Brunswick, an initial contribution of $100,000 to the recently formed Lobster Sustainability Foundation.
Representatives from the Maritime Fishermen’s Union, Paturel International, Orion Seafood International, Cape Bald Packers and Darden’s Restaurants are also partners in the foundation. Doucet said that he was pleased to show support for the foundation. Bill Herzig of Darden Restaurants Inc., opined that Darden and Red Lobster are thrilled to be part of this wonderful milestone in seafood sustainability.
The new chairman of the board of the Lobster Sustainability Foundation is Charles Anastasia. He is also the CEO and co-founder of Orion Seafood International, a leading worldwide distributor of North Atlantic lobster and snow crab. He added that the ultimate objective of this foundation is to continue to sustain and enrich the Canadian fishing communities that have such a rich cultural and economic heritage of lobster fishing and processing.