Negotiations have been in progress since 2016, but agreement has now been reached between Iceland, Greenland and Norway on capelin fisheries that take place in Icelandic waters. The previous agreement dated back to 2003.
The agreement is that Iceland retains 80% of the capelin quota, while Greenland receives 15% and Norway 5%. No changes have been made to the access arrangements for Norwegian and Greenlandic vessels to Icelandic waters, other than that the Greenlandic quota can henceforth be taken by three processor vessels instead of the previous limitation of two vessels.
The new agreement is not time-limited,but can be ended with one season’s notice.
According to the Icelandic Ministry of Fisheries, there has been very good co-operation in the past between nations keen to follow scientific advice and to fish responsibly. The current management basis has been approved by ICES.
There is virtually no capelin caught on other countries’ waters and the fishery has been limited to the winter as there has been no summer fishing for capelin for many years.