According to the press release of the Canadian government Fisheries and Oceans Canada announced to join the IATTC. Canada officially rejoined the Commission after its new Convention (known as the Antigua Convention) came into force on August 27, 2010. In the meeting of IATTC 2010 Canada had participated as a full member since 1984.
Minister Shea said that there is an urgent t need to work together as fishing and coastal nations to preserve the sustainability and the prosperity of Pacific albacore and other tuna fisheries. She also told that for this reason the Canadian government ratified the Antigua Convention last year. She is looking forward to work with IATTC partners to strengthen international management measures in the Eastern Pacific.
The IATTC is the international organization responsible for the management of highly migratory fish species in the Eastern Pacific, including Pacific albacore tuna, which migrate between international waters and the Exclusive Economic Zones of Canada and the United States each year.
She added that Canada’s active participation can help the Commission to move towards a more precautionary, science-based approach that will ensure the long-term sustainability and prosperity of our tuna fisheries.