It is informed that these bills are related to coastal fishing, including a controversial effort to change the way striped bass quotas are handed out to commercial fishermen. Rep. William Wainwright, D-Craven, and Sen. Charlie Albertson, D-Duplin, were introduced the bills in the state legislature. They were recommended by the Division of Marine Fisheries and the Joint Legislative Commission on Seafood and Aquaculture.
It is told that the striped bass bill would allow the Division of Marine Fisheries to set quotas on the amount of striped bass an individual fisherman could catch. This bill allows fishermen to buy or sell their shares quotas to other fishermen. Some commercial fishermen have voiced opposition to the proposal, however, saying that some people could be left out of when it comes to their share of quotas.
Wainwright opined that he’s hoping a compromise can be reached on that proposal. It is said that a second bill would incorporate coastal fishing in North Carolina into an interstate compact where other states exchange information on fishermen who violate fishing laws.