New netter delivered to Ile d’Yeu skipper
The Piriou shipyard has delivered the 21 metre by 7 metre breadth Camelys to Ile d’Yeu fisherman Adrien Develaud and Armement Coopératif Artisanal Vendéen (ACAV). Camelys is built for netting…
The Piriou shipyard has delivered the 21 metre by 7 metre breadth Camelys to Ile d’Yeu fisherman Adrien Develaud and Armement Coopératif Artisanal Vendéen (ACAV). Camelys is built for netting…
Sea Grant has announced $1.2 million in support of Sea Grant’s American Lobster Research Program to continue addressing emergent needs and priorities associated with this fishery. This year’s funded projects…
Taiwanese fishing and processing group FCF has signed a memorandum of co-operation with the Pacific Community (SPC) to work together on the development of Jelly FADs, non-entangling and biodegradable FADs…
ICES as revised its original advice for a 44% increase in the 2023 quota for North Sea cod, and now recommends a 26,008 tonne quota which represents a 63% increase…
A terminal, logistics centre and capacity for cold storage have been opened in Primorye Russia’s far east, with fishing and processing company Dobroflot behind the initiative. This development includes a…
October showed the highest export values to date for Norwegian seafood heading to overseas markets. The month export values came to NoK15.40 billion, which is a 27% increase on the…
The EU and Madagascar have agreed on the text of a new sustainable fisheries partnership agreement. This restores the partnership between the EU and Madagascar that had been interrupted in 2018,…
Brim’s factory trawler Örfirisey is now on fishing grounds east of Iceland with the aim of finding haddock – and staying clear of cod and redfish. ‘We sailed on 4th…
Next year’s quotas for Baltic fisheries leave fishermen facing another tough year, according to the Danish Fishermen’s Association. This is despite increases in quotas for plaice and Central Baltic herring.…
Ålesund company Ava Ocean is one of many maritime enterprises whose operations stand to benefit from Inmarsat’s plans to expand its Arctic coverage. With demand increasing for high-quality connectivity in…