Clyde Fishermen’s Association leaves SFF for CIFA

Clyde fishermen parted company with the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation in November last year, and have announced that the Clyde Fishermen’s Association (CFA) has instead become part of the Communities Inshore Fisheries Alliance (CIFA), which it describes as a politically neutral umbrella voice for fishing associations and fishing-related businesses.

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MSC suspends certificate for Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence snow crab fishery

The MSC certificate for the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (SGOSL) snow crab trap fishery in Canada has been suspended by certifier SAI Global (SAIG). The certifier concluded that based on new information including the Incident Report on 2017 right whale mortalities in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the fishery no longer meets the MSC Fishery Standard related to Endangered, Threatened and Protected species.

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