Fishermen in Brixham have spoken out in a BBC interview on the high rate of inspections taking place.
Barry Young of Brixham Trawler Agents to the BBC team that the fishermen have always co-operated with the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), which they have been told expects to board around 10% of vessels calling at the port. Instead, the boarding rate has risen to 100% in the last few months with every boat calling at Brixham boarded by inspectors.
Dave Langdon of fishing company Langdon & Phillips, which runs several beam trawlers from Brixham, said that one of the company’s trawlers was recalled to port due to a log book discrepancy over a single box of fish, costing the boat three days lost fishing and £15,000 in potential earnings, even though no offence had been committed.
Kerrie Marie’s owners are now seeking compensation and the MMO has declined to comment on a matter under investigation.