Read more about the article Samherji pre-empts media allegations
Icelandic fishing company Samherji has sought to pre-empt allegations about conduct of its subsidiary in Namibia. Image: Samherji

Samherji pre-empts media allegations

Iceland-based fishing and processing group Samherji yesterday released a statement ahead of media coverage expected to include potentially damaging allegations about the conduct of a subsidiary company in Namibia. According…

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Read more about the article New Harðbakur floated off at Vard
Harðbakur EA-3 is the latest to carry the name that has been associated with many Útgerðarfélag Akureyringa trawlers over the years. Image: Samherji

New Harðbakur floated off at Vard

  • Post category:Newbuild

The new trawler for Samherji’s subsidiary Útgerðarfélag Akureyringa has been floated at the Vard shipyard at Aukra in Norway. Harðbakur EA-3 is one of a series of new vessels for…

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