Read more about the article Potential labour shortages for Scottish seafood industry
A points-based immigration regime could result in a shortage of labour for the Scottish seafood industry. Image: SSA

Potential labour shortages for Scottish seafood industry

After raising their concerns last week over the UK government’s policies on immigration and the implications for the seafood industry, Jimmy Buchan of the Scottish Seafood Association has been assured…

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Read more about the article Valka to deliver efficient salmon processing for SalMar’s new InnovaNor plant
Valka is supplying grading and distribution systems for SalMar’s new InnovaNor processing facility in Troms. Image: Valka

Valka to deliver efficient salmon processing for SalMar’s new InnovaNor plant

Valka is to deliver what is seen as what will be the world’s most efficient processing system for whole salmon to SalMar’s new InnovaNor plant. Norwegian salmon farmer SalMar has…

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Read more about the article Båtsfjordbruket’s new automated processing lines from Valka
Valka is delivering two complete trimming, cutting, distribution and packing systems for fillets and portions to Båtsfjord company Båtsfjordbruket. Image: Valka

Båtsfjordbruket’s new automated processing lines from Valka

  • Post category:Processing

Icelandic company Valka has struck a deal with Norwegian processor Båtsfjordbruket to supply sophisticated fully automated fillet processing lines in a €4 million contract that includes two complete systems for…

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Read more about the article Breakthrough Chilean contract for Stranda Prolog
Having landed a substantial contract to supply the new Australia Mar factory in Chile, Stranda Prolog’s CEO Klaus Hoseth has good reasons to be cheerful

Breakthrough Chilean contract for Stranda Prolog

Norwegian company Stranda Prolog has secured a breakthrough contract to supply a fish handling system for Chilean company Australis Mar, one of the largest salmon produces in South America. Worth…

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Read more about the article Marel FleXicut completes the picture for Icewater Seafoods’ cod plant
Canadian processor Icewater Seafoods has signed a contract for a Marel FlexiCut system for its new production facility. Image: Marel

Marel FleXicut completes the picture for Icewater Seafoods’ cod plant

  • Post category:Processing

Canadian seafood company Icewater Seafoods has signed an agreement with Marel to purchase the $1.6 million FleXicut for its 6500 square metre cod production plant. The investment is the final…

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