EAPO unity despite referendum result

The European Association of Fish Producers Organisations, which represents forty POs across ten EU member states, held its Annual General Meeting in Galicia on 17 June, hosted by the local members OPPC3 and OPPF4 and by ARVI, the local fishing vessel owners association. The UK referendum was not on the agenda and did not affect the spirit of co-operation among the POs from 10 EU member states.

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Sanford responds to UBC claims

Volker Kuntzsch of New Zealand company Sanford has made a robust response to the University of British Columbia report, Reconstruction of Marine Fisheries Catches for New Zealand (1950-2010), which uses historical catch information from New Zealand fisheries and claims these are 2.7 (between 1950 and 2010) times larger than the official records.

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