CFP continues to deliver

Last week’s delivery of the annual report by the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) on the performance of the Common Fisheries Policy concludes that stock status has significantly improved, although the rate of progress has slowed in the last few years. It also reflects an overall downward trend in the fishing pressure over the period 2003-2015 in the North-East Atlantic.

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Russia and Norway join forces on effective management

Measures taken by Russia and Norway from 2015 to regulate the snow crab fishery have been shown to have been effective in restricting third-country access and blocking IUU activity. Joint efforts in fisheries management were discussed by the Russian and Norwegian fisheries ministers at the Global Seafood Exhibition last week in Brussels.

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Commissioner Vella and Europêche hold in-depth dialogue

A delegation from Europêche met EU Commissioner Karmenu Vella to discuss the main topics at the top of the political and legislative fisheries agenda in the EU. Both Commissioner Vella and Europêche credited the great progress in achieving sustainable fisheries with 97% of landings in the North East Atlantic from EU managed stocks fished at Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) levels.

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