Sustainable fish in demand
As the demand for sustainable fish increased retailers press farmed fish in a more sustainable manner.
As the demand for sustainable fish increased retailers press farmed fish in a more sustainable manner.
Area 2A Directed Commercial Halibut Fishery Closed for Remainder of 2008
The International Pacific Halibut Commission reports that the catch limit for the Area 2A non-treaty directed commercial fishery has been reached, following the July 23 fishing period. Therefore, this fishery is closed for the remainder of 2008. The entire catch limit has been taken, therefore, no poundage is available to the incidental halibut in the salmon troll fishery.
Crab regulations are so puzzled that it hardly put restrictions on illegal crab harvesting or crab pots and that contributes greatly towards the decline of crabs in the US waters.
Cape Canaveral is ready to host public hearings on proposed measures to limit gag grouper and vermilion snapper fishing in the Atlantic Ocean.
The fishermen of Morro Bay are not happy with the regulations, high gas prices and declining fish stocks as it hampers their catch.
Ocean Conservancy got Food & Wine Magazine’s Eco-Ocean Award for approach to rebuilding fisheries.
Fishermen and scientists disagree on the state of cod stocks as species has recovered, but is still only 4 to 5 percent of what it was in 1980s, says government.
The British Columbia government is ready to help commercial fisheries of the province to get eco-certification.
In San Juan waters the abandoned fishing gear, crab pots are ‘perpetual killing machines’ for the marine species.
Congress has passed legislation to exempt the discharges for commercial smaller fishing boats in Alaska.
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