EU calls out Norway and Russia on Arctic cod
The European Union has expressed its serious concerns that Norway and Russia, without seeking to co-operate with any of the other relevant stakeholders, are taking decisions that are leading to…
The European Union has expressed its serious concerns that Norway and Russia, without seeking to co-operate with any of the other relevant stakeholders, are taking decisions that are leading to…
Whitefish stocks in Scotland’s waters have doubled in size over the last twenty years and are now at record levels, according to Shetland Fishermen, representing both for the Shetland Fishermen’s…
Responding to the NOAA 2021 report on Improving International Fisheries Management, the Fisheries Agency of Taiwan has stated that it will initiate the consultation with the US, alongside an investigation…
The Marine Stewardship Council confirmed that Norwegian Offshore North East Artic Cod is recertified from 15th August 2021 while Inshore North East Artic cod will no longer be MSC certified. …
IceFish organiser Mercator Media has confirmed that the exhibition scheduled to take place this year has been rescheduled to new June 2022 dates, due to the Icelandic Government’s decision to…
Danish suppliers hold a strong position in the aquaculture industry and are ready to meet the Norwegian and international markets at Aqua Nor in Trondheim Spektrum, when it opens on…
Reacting to a report by WWF, RSPB and the Marine Conservation Society attacking the fishing industry with regards to climate change, SFF chief executive Elspeth Macdonald has stated that wild-caught…
Icelandic fishing company Brim has contracted to sell its factory trawler Höfrungur III AK-250, and is acquiring a pelagic vessel. The former Iivid has been acquired from Arctic Prime Fisheries…
The latest delivery by Macduff Shipyards has started fishing and landed its first catch in Peterhead. Orion BF-432 has been built for Brian Harvey and his sons Andrew and Simon,…
Brim’s fresher trawler Viðey docked in Reykjavík yesterday after a successful trip to Westfjords fishing grounds. The bulk of the catch is cod. According to skipper Kristján E. Gíslason, there…