Channel fishing effort threat to bass stocks

The UK-based New Under Ten Fishermen’s Association (NUTFA) is writing urgently to the UK government to highlight the concerns expressed of inshore fishermen along the Channel coast concerning the impact of some of the biggest trawlers in the world operating in the confined waters between the UK and France. The finger is pointed firmly at the Dutch pelagic operators, and the concern is that these large vessels could be catching bass that is not available to small-scale fishermen.

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WWF-India and IPNLF sign MoU

An important agreement has been signed between WWF-India and the International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF) to ensure that they work more collaboratively on behalf of the one-by-one skipjack tuna fishery in the Union Territory of Lakshadweep, a tropical archipelago in the Laccadive Sea, off the coast of Kerala.

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Increased opportunities for Mediterranean and Black Sea small-scale fishing

Ministers from EU Member States and third countries have adopted an ambitious 10-year regional action plan for sustainable small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. This sets out detailed measures to ensure a sustainable use of fish stocks, while restoring long-term economic and social prosperity for small-scale fishers and coastal communities.

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