Germany and the Netherlands have both been quick to introduce new restrictions on fishing activity in their areas of the North Sea, following the adoption by the European Commission of a regulation that requires restrictions in Marine Protected Areas.
The regulations enter into force on 8th March. In German waters there are new restrictions in four Natura 2000 areas, with demersal trawling prohibited in some areas and temporary netting bans are being put in place to protect seabirds and porpoises.
The shrimp fishery remains accessible in the Sylt Outer Reef/Eastern German Bight areas.
The Dutch authorities are introducing a prohibition on demersal trawling in three protected areas and part of the Cleaver Bank Natura 2000 area. Netting is banned in the Frisian Front Natura 2000 area to protect seabirds.
Reporting requirements are also being tightened, with vessels over 12 metres operating around the German and Dutch areas required to transmit a VMS signal at ten-minute intervals.