Read more about the article EU Commission proposes Mediterranean and Black Sea fishing opportunities
Proposals have been made for 2021 fishing opportunities for the Mediterranean and Black Sea

EU Commission proposes Mediterranean and Black Sea fishing opportunities

The European Commission has adopted a proposal for fishing opportunities for 2021 in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas, claimed to be delivering on the political commitments made in the…

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Read more about the article EMSA resumes RPAS surveillance flights in support of EFCA fisheries control
Lundy Sentinel is currently operating in the western and central Mediterranean. Image: EFCA

EMSA resumes RPAS surveillance flights in support of EFCA fisheries control

The Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) services provided by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) have been successfully resumed on board the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) chartered fisheries Offshore…

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Read more about the article Covid-19 hits Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries and aquaculture
Small-scale and coastal Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries have been severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic

Covid-19 hits Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries and aquaculture

The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic are being felt by the fisheries and aquaculture sectors around the world – and in the Mediterranean and Black Sea small-scale fisheries have been…

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Read more about the article Steps towards a new Mediterranean and Black Sea fishing governance and protection
The recommendations and resolutions adopted by consensus with the support of the GFCM Secretariat constitute an important step towards the full implementation of a new fisheries governance in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea

Steps towards a new Mediterranean and Black Sea fishing governance and protection

Fifteen recommendations and resolutions, proposed by the European Union, were adopted by consensus with the crucial support of the GFCM Secretariat, constituting a key step towards the full implementation of…

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Read more about the article EU Commission’s proposals for Mediterranean and Black Sea
The EU Commission has proposed cuts in fishing effort on red mullet, hake, deep-water rose shrimp, langoustine, blue and red shrimp and giant red shrimp in the Mediterranean

EU Commission’s proposals for Mediterranean and Black Sea

The European Commission has adopted its first ever proposal on fishing opportunities covering both the Mediterranean and the Black Seas. In the Mediterranean Sea, the proposal implements the multiannual management…

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Read more about the article Advances and renewed commitments at Mediterranean conference
MedFish4Ever has already changed the way fisheries are managed, according to Karmenu Vella

Advances and renewed commitments at Mediterranean conference

Two years on from the MedFish4Ever Declaration, initiated by the European Commission and adopted in March 2017, the FAO General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) brought together Mediterranean states…

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