Blue Growth snake oil

The idea of Blue Growth emerged during the 2012 Rio + 20 process under the auspices of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, in turn building on the 1992 Earth Summit. Blue Growth has become the latest buzzword, something that appears to be promoted as a miracle cure for stalled progress and dwindling natural resources.

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Small Nation, Big Territory

For a nation with just 2040 square kilometres of land across several islands, Mauritius has a huge Exclusive Economic Zone of more than 2.30 million square kilometres. The challenge of patrolling this vast area of the Indian Ocean has been made more manageable with the delivery of the final five of ten Fast Interceptor Boats designed and built by the Indian Government-owned M/s Goa Shipyard Ltd.

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Lack of industry representation on IFCAs

IFCAs, the bodies responsible for administering inshore fisheries in England are increasingly risking becoming hamstrung, warns the National Federation of Fishermen’s Associations. According to the findings of a meeting of the NFFO West Coast Committee meeting held in Carnforth, the IFCAs increasingly lack of fishing industry representatives on their committees and the appointments process is in need of overhaul in order to be more conducive to fostering positive industry engagement in the management of local fisheries.

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High recovery potential for Mediterranean fisheries

Europêche President Javier Garat was key speaker at a public debate held at Europe's biggest industry event, the global Seafood EXPO in Brussels hosted by Commissioner Vella. During the debate, the Commissioner launched a Mediterranean Strategy and a call for action to halt environmental degradation and the threat for many vulnerable fishing communities.

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