Equal treatment for EU and imported fisheries production

The EU Commission must ensure that fisheries and aquaculture products from non-EU countries comply with EU conservation, management standards and hygiene requirements. MEPs voted overwhelmingly with 590 votes to 52 with 41 abstentions for control measures to be applied more efficiently, with imported products subject to the same standards as EU produce.

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Taiwan brands Greenpeace report a smear campaign

The recent Misery at Sea report published by Greenpeace focuses closely on Taiwan’s distant water fleet, and paints a grim portrait of the country’s shortcomings in this field. The Taiwanese Fisheries Agency (FA) has responded to the Greenpeace allegations, stating that since the Act for Distant Water Fisheries came into law on January 20th, 2017, the management of Taiwanese distant water fishing fleets under this legal framework has received wide and positive recognition.

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Scotland’s buoyant fishing industry

Provisional figures published by the Scottish government indicate that the Scottish fleet last year landed fish and shellfish worth £559 million, and a volume of 464,000 tonnes. This represents a 10,600 tonne (2%) increase in catches landed by 2068 active Scottish fishing vessels in 2017. The final statistics for 2017 will be published in September this year.

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New strategy for Ireland’s €1.15 billion seafood sector

Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), has unveiled its new Statement of Strategy Enabling Sustainable Growth for the 2018-2020 period, aiming to boost competitiveness amidst market uncertainties, which is intended to deliver on the development objectives of Food Wise 2025 and the sustainability objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy.

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Room for quota system to be improved, says Fiskebåt

According to Johnny Berfjord of Norwegian vessel owners’ federation Fiskebåt, there is potential to make the Norwegian quota system both simpler and easier to work with. His comments have been made on the association’s website just as the Norwegian authorities are working on a Parliamentary report on the quota system. Johnny Berfjord commented that there is a need to ensure calm and stability around the structure of the fishing fleet.

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