Scheveningen, 4of January 2008 – As of the beginning of January 2008, the fish auctions of Den Helder, Den Oever and IJmuiden will accede to the Pefa auction system. With this, Pefa will become the leading Internet sales system for fresh fish in Europe. In early 2008, 12 auctions will start trading their supplied fish through this electronic sales system. 40 percent of all fresh fish transactions in the Netherlands will take place at this marketplace. Pefa expects to facilitate a turnover of € 206 million in 2008 with the accession of the new fish auctions. Fish auctions and the fish trade are currently busily eliminating the arrears they have in terms of the Internet.
On the first of January 2008, Pefa also changed ownership; the six largest auctions along the Dutch coast are the new owners. Their aim is to further expand the cooperation with other European fish auctions in the next couple of years. The former owner, 4Business Software from Belgium, transferred the rights of ownership but will continue to technically support Pefa.
Electronic auction system opens up local fishing communities
The Pefa auctions system was introduced in 1998. At the time, Pefa was the first auction system for fresh fish that made use of the Internet. At present, the electronic sales system offers the suppliers of 12 associated fish auctions in the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden and Italy access to a substantial market. In addition to local activities, the system enables fishing communities to also be active on a large virtual marketplace. Buyers have the advantage of being able to centrally purchase from various fish auctions at the same time from their office.
The number of buyers in the fish trade that make use of the Internet is rapidly growing. At the moment, more than 30 percent of all transactions on the Pefa system are generated by ‘home buyers’. Expectations are that the number of buyers will substantially increase with the expansion of the network. Fish, also from small regional fisheries, can efficiently be offered for sale to a substantial European group of buyers through the
New services
In the coming years, Pefa will further expand its range of services for suppliers and purchasers. The advantages of scale that have emerged enable Pefa to better anticipate developments in the market.
Currently, the Pefa system already offers buyers extensive information about the time the fish was caught, the location where it was caught and the fishing technique used. Furthermore, the central database offers buyers and suppliers a wealth of data about price developments and supply fluctuations. In the future, the management information system will be further expanded with tracking and tracing information. Also, new services such as sales mediation between buyers and suppliers, advance purchasing and the central clearing of transactions will become part of the range of services offered by Pefa.
Associated auctions
From 2008, Pefa will sell fish coming in at the following auctions:
Netherlands:Stellendam, Colijnsplaat, Scheveningen (United Fish Auctions) IJmuiden Den Helder and Den Oever (Fish auction Hollands Noorden)
Fiskeauktion Danmark
Responsible for the day-to-day running of the Pefa system will be Gijsbert Spek. Spek has already been operationally involved in the Pefa system for some years.